Thursday, 15 September 2016
Day 23:
My all time favourite contemporary dancer enthralled me last night, alongside a captivated audience with a dance/talk performance titled 'Making and Doing.' I admit I was in tears with the joy of being in his presence. His dialogue was one way and at times I wanted to put my hand up and disagree or question his reasoning. Most of his understanding of Singapore has come from talking to the dance community at Lasalle Art College. Fancy saying there is no poverty here. But I digress again from a journal about walking. As Bill spoke he walked and with moments of dance-like gestures conveyed much emotion through his recital of a poem, literature, song and personal thoughts. He said that if you're making you're also doing but if you're doing can you also be making. Perhaps that's true on a physical level. If I'm walking, the act of doing, am I also making, making what. All I'm doing is walking. Am I not making a better me by this doing? Is it necessary to always be focused on making? Sometimes is the simple act of doing enough?
On stage, he had given himself a set of parameters to work within. A formation for his walking was marked out on the stage, repeated as a geometric symbol on the back wall. And what does dance have to do with walking, besides Bill T. Jones including quite a bit in his performances? That's something to think about while I'm walking.