Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Day 8:

A routine has been established, with 100 days journal taking priority in the morning activities. It's our last day of exploring Mulu National Park . Yesterday was a huge with an early morning long boat trip up the river for cave exploring which also involved not only lots of walking but also over 600 steps as well. After a downstream boat journey back to Park Headquarters there was time for a quick refuel at the cafe before heading into the jungle again for a 50-minute boardwalk for more cave exploring. It's a tropical jungle so of course, it rains a lot and that afternoon the heavens opened up. the treat is no matter how wet you get you're never cold.

The visual inspiration from the caves has all been sucked into my being. The forms and colours of Stalagmite and Stalactite formations in the Lang Cave are impressive.  One conclusion is that big is impressive. these caves are alive and evolving continuously.We waited until 6:30pm outside Deer Cave for 3 million bats to fly out in a formation but bats don't like rain so that spectacle was missed. Another 50 minute walk with headlights blazing in the dark back to headquarters. It's a boardwalk the whole way so you're not concerned about tripping on a tree trunk or stepping on a snake or getting suckered by a leech. I feel my leg muscles today. I always wonder about the saying 'no pain, no gain' and it seems to be true. I know my fitness level has been taken up a notch.

And that niggly word 'should' comes into play; I should walk up two or more flights of stairs every time I return home to the apartment. I should be swimming. I should be in my studio more. I should be phoning my mum more often than I am., should be, should be. there must be a better word than 'should be'.

So that was yesterday. Today is about more walking, in particular, a skywalk 30 meters above the forest floor. It's the world's longest tree based canopy walk at 480 meters long. There's nothing like letting go and putting your trust into wobbly suspension bridges. It's like seeing the structure of the rainforest in 3D.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Day 7:

A symphony of jungle sounds filtered into my sleep and lured me awake. I walked for two hours last night in the Mulu National Park, in search of the makers of sound. Toads played a big part, along with other small creatures out in the cool of the night. The walkways are all timber boardwalks raised a little above the forest floor. As a National World heritage site, they have taken great care to respect the land. It was a thrill to make my way through the darkness spotting snakes, giant spiders, huge centipedes and numerous  toads, lizards, stick insects, crickets and a few insects I can't begin to describe. Another joy of walking and there are many, is exploring areas that only by walking can you get there.

Monday, 29 August 2016

Day 6:

The habit is already forming as my first thought upon waking was where and how far will I walk this morning. Like any project, the most important part is the planning. Before I head to the studio I know what I will be doing and so with walking. Work with intention, so too with walking. The walk then isn't concerned about choices or major decisions making. It's about time to connect mind and body into motion and enjoying the experience. Being in the zone and slowly those loud voices in my head subside.

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Day 5:

It was a rush after this morning's walk to get ready for a drive to the capital of Brunei so there was no time for writing in my journal. It's evening now and I'm trying too hard to recall my morning thoughts and I know they were great insightful thoughts but there's no way I can remember what they were. I shall now empty my mind and not look for them and let them surface in their own good time, just better be today. The walk was about striding out with a purpose, settling into a rhythm which is my kind of walk. It's no good, I can't help myself...I'm still searching for those morning thoughts.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Day 4: Being Open

Awoke to quietness this morning, not the normal traffic and construction noise of Singapore. On a good day, I can add the excited shrill screaming of a child. What adult condones such behaviour in an apartment block. I need a moment to gather my composure, remind myself I'm not in Singapore and continue. It's a beautiful morning so I head out for a beach walk along the South China Sea coast. My interest while walking is to experience the new landscape, the sights and the sounds. It makes me feel alive...until the clouds parted and the temperature rose to 34'C even with the sea breeze.

The most astonishing sight between the high tide and low tide marks of the beach were hundreds of little holes in the sand with perfectly round excavation balls piled around the entrance. I spied that  the site workers were crabs. I love a walk when my head is cleared because there's so much that's new to explore.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Day 3:

Currently in Borneo with my journal and pen in hand. Please don't ask me to input my words as I'm only a one finger typist on my handphone! Easy to do when I return 2nd September. Just hope I have enough pages (I seem to have a lot to say). Heading to areas of Borneo with limited wifi connection.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Day 2: Intention

Walking Journal Day 2: As I fell asleep last night, the thought crossed my mind that I will be writing about walking for 100 days and I thought that's doable. My routine I can see is going to be writing first then out the door for a walk.

My walking behaviour has modified as I now think about what I'm thinking about as I walk. Can I add those thoughts to paper? Will I remember all that I think about? Should I be carrying pen and paper? Now, that is a stupid idea. The purpose of my walk is solely to walk. My route is planned the night before, along with the exercise clothes laid out. The walk has no add-ons, like errands, shopping or visits to friends, unless of course, they're walking with me. Companionship is always a pleasure.

In a rush this morning as we're heading to Universal Studios, here in Singapore. It will be our first visit since arriving the country over 5 years ago. Managed to only walk 4.5km, which is to the entry of the Botanical Gardens and back.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Day 1: Better Not Stop

Walking Journal Day 1: the thought occurred to me to arise an hour earlier to write in my journal. Early morning is when I'm at my most creative.  Much of the city is asleep, which means more conscious thought power for me. Walking at this time is gorgeous too. Life needs to be rearranged so nothing is lost. Great that my daily walk is part of this project too.

I want to do everything in the morning; my Taiji practice needs to be slotted too. All this should be happening before my 'actual' day begins. I can see by day 100 I may have a few answers to my confusion. Bend like bamboo in the wind while staying firmly planted in the project. Being in the moment is a lesson I need to learn.

And this is what happens when writing a personal journal. There is a certain amount of verbal diarrhoea. So back to one piece of advice I have learned after completing 3 previous 100 Day Projects. Keep it simple. It is just one creative task repeated over 100 consecutive days; a journal entry a day with a walk thrown in for good measure. The photographs have been added because they might be considered far more interesting than reading what i would call thinking out loud.